Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of files from 1996 to the present Natsios Young Architects

  Cryptomb 1

1996-JUNE 1997

Cryptome In
Cryptome Archive 1996-Present

JUNE 1997

walsh.htm          Walsh Report: Key Escrow Doomed To Failure        June 30, 1997
hr105-132-iwd.txt  Report on Information Warfare Defense 1998 (6K)   June 29, 1997
hr105-132-II.txt   Report on Defense Research 1998 (267K)            June 29, 1997

daleyltr.htm       Commerce Secretary on Crypto Bills S.909/S.377    June 29, 1997
atf062797.txt      Persons Prohibited From Receiving Firearms (40K)  June 27, 1997
omb062797.txt      Options for Promoting Privacy on the NII          June 27, 1997
fac062797.txt      Rule on Foreign Assets Control Targets (346K)     June 27, 1997
s909hit.txt        Encryption Bill: An Exercise in Deception         June 27, 1997

aisrm.txt          Advanced Intel, Surveil and Recon Management      June 27, 1997
ggd-97-73.txt      Payments, Clearance, and Settlement (343K)        June 26, 1997
safehouse.htm      SAFE Crypto Act Clears House Committee            June 24, 1997
mitizeal.txt       MITI Tightens Crypto Export                       June 24, 1997
compkeys.htm       Comparing Cryptographic Key Sizes                 June 24, 1997

nsazeal2.htm       Spook Pressure on New Zealand Crypto Export       June 24, 1997
kmtwist.txt        Mitnick Twist: Feds Recant                        June 23, 1997
whpfiles.htm       Payne vs. NSA/Sandia Documents                    June 21, 1997
nsasuit6.htm       Payne/Morales vs. NSA Motions and Order           June 21, 1997
explosive.htm      Senate Debate on Feinstein Amendment No. 419      June 21, 1997

ctp2000.txt        Export License of Computers CTP>2000 Mtops        June 21, 1997
afdius.htm         Detection and Imaging of Underground Structures   June 20, 1997
fein-sp419.htm     Feinstein Amendment SP 419 Text                   June 20, 1997
pl-poster.htm      Phillips Lab Technical Interchange Symposium      June 20, 1997

ssv.txt            Air Force Surgical Strike Vehicle                 June 20, 1997
optoelec.txt       Optoelectronics Centers                           June 20, 1997
bop062097.htm      BoP: National Security, Violence and Terrorism    June 20, 1997
declan3.txt        Kerrey/McCain Crypto Bill Approved                June 19, 1997
bombmake.htm       Feinstein Amendment Prohibits Bombmake Teaching   June 19, 1997

deschall.htm       56-bit DES Cracked                                June 19, 1997
declan2.txt        Crypto Compromises in Washington                  June 19, 1997
rabelais.htm       Defend the Rabelais Editors                       June 18, 1997
CDT-Privacy        Comm Privacy in the Digital Age (Offsite)         June 18, 1997
s909.htm           Kerrey/McCain Introduce New Crypto Bill           June 17, 1997

steal-this.htm     Steal This Article                                June 17, 1997
pgp50.htm          PGP 5.0 Freeware Available                        June 17, 1997
wh061697.htm       White House Briefing on Denver Summit             June 16, 1997
junger-nott.htm    Junger Answers Nottinghamshire CC                 June 16, 1997
fm100-6.htm        US Army Manual: Information Operations (280K)     June 16, 1997

link-jet.htm       Link to the JET Report                            June 16, 1997
cia061697.txt      CIA Rule on Access to Declassified Info (150K)    June 16, 1997
bxa060997.htm      Encryption Information Collection                 June 15, 1997
16650.txt          Electromag Shielding - Mil Construction (162K)    June 13, 1997
cegs.htm           Guide Specifications for Mil Construction (56K)   June 13, 1997

uxosafety.htm      Safety Concepts for UXO Operations                June 13, 1997
doj053097.txt      Foreign Agent Report                              June 12, 1997
doj010397.txt      Department of Justice Forfeiture Regulations      June 12, 1997
ps061197.txt       Postal Service Forfeiture Regulations             June 12, 1997
ct061197.htm       Greece Counterterrorism Rewards                   June 12, 1997

aimd-94-175.txt    Cheyenne Mountain Upgrade Program                 June 12, 1997
microbots.htm      Unleashing Micro Viruses on IT Networks           June 11, 1997
lostwar.htm        Feds Have Lost Encryption Battle                  June 11, 1997
nsiad-97-85.txt    Special Operations Forces                         June 11, 1997
wardvusa.htm       Court Ruling in $350,000 IRS Damages              June 9, 1997

doj-search.htm     Fed Guide: Searching and Seizing Computers (332K) June 9, 1997
ta060997.txt       Forum on Certificate Authorities and Digital Sigs June 9, 1997
krdp.htm           Key Recovery Demonstration Project                June 9, 1997
aes-comments.txt   Comments to NIST on Advanced Encryption System    June 8, 1997
hr105-108.htm      House Report on SAFE Crypto Bill (94K)            June 8, 1997

keystudy.htm       Risks of Key Recovery                             June 7, 1997
przonpgp.htm       Phil Zimmermann on PGP Inc.                       June 6, 1997
doe060497-2.txt    Nuclear Explosives Personnel Assurance Program    June 5, 1997
don-2280-1a.htm    Navy Directive on STU-III                         June 5, 1997
sab3e.htm          No Funny Stories About STU-III                    June 5, 1997

don-ekms.htm       Navy Electronic Key Management System             June 5, 1997
ssd.htm            Security Specialties Division                     June 5, 1997
ffi.htm            Financial Fraud Institute                         June 5, 1997
cb-warfare.txt     The New Political Terrorism - Chem/Bio Warfare    June 5, 1997
bxa060597.txt      President's Export Council                        June 5, 1997

osd060597.txt      Committee on HPCC, IT and NGI                     June 5, 1997
af060597.txt       USAF Scientific Advisory Board                    June 5, 1997
don060597.txt      Naval Research Advisory Committee                 June 5, 1997
g10emoney.htm      Group of Ten: Electronic Money (121K)             June 4, 1997

probes.htm         Hill Probes Shift of Classified/Crypto Papers     June 3, 1997
nsiad-97-95.htm    Terrorism/Drug Traffic: Explosives/Narcotics      June 3, 1997
eurocrats.htm      Eurocrats Do Good Privacy                         June 3, 1997
dot-eawh.htm       White House Security Review                       June 2, 1997

dot-s442.htm       Treasury on Internet Tax Bill                     June 2, 1997
dot-fac.htm        Treasury on Counterterrorism                      June 2, 1997
fac082396-2.txt    FAC Sanctions for Cuba, Iran, Libya and Iraq      June 2, 1997
fac122696.txt      Amendment to Terrorism Lists                      June 2, 1997

Denning            Crypto/New Techno: Crime and Terrorism (offsite)  June 2, 1997
/da/whpda.htm      Data Authenticator for the Deployable Seismic 
                   Verification System (98K)                         June 1, 1997
scinda.htm         Secret Compartmented Information Nondisclosure 
                   Agreement                                         June 1, 1997

MAY 1997

whpf86.htm         Payne: Embedded Controller Forth for the 8051 Family           May 31, 1997

watoc.htm          Wassenaar Arrangement Lists of Dual-Use Goods and Munitions    May 29, 1997
carbon.htm         Use of Carbon Fibers to Disable Computers                      May 24, 1997
jimbell3.htm       May 16 1997 Complaint Against Jim Bell                         May 23, 1997
pkplem.htm         PKP-Lemcom Crypto License Agreement                            May 21, 1997
jimbell2.htm       IRS Says Bell Planned Sabotage                                 May 20, 1997

rsavpgp.htm        RSA v. PGP: Complaint Text, Addition                           May 20, 1997
nistiic.htm        Implementation Issues for Cryptography                         May 18, 1997
jfk051697.txt      Assassination Revelations                                      May 16, 1997
96wiretap.htm      FISA and 1996 Wiretap Report                                   May 15, 1997
abi.htm            DoJ Report on Bombmaking Information                           May 15, 1997 (193K)

ebomb.htm          E-Bomb: Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction                  May 14, 1997 (96K)
rsapgp.htm         RSA Sues PGP                                                   May 14, 1997
wire97.htm         Applications for Wiretaps Rise in 1996                         May 11, 1997
soi.htm            1997 Investigators Guide to Sources of Information             May 11, 1997 (259K)
ear050997.txt      Export Administration Regulations Revisions                    May 9, 1997 (123K)

eartoc.htm         Export Administration Regulations                              May 9, 1997
dia050797.txt      DIA/MSIC: Cancel Capability Briefings                          May 7, 1997
fbi050697.htm      CALEA Comments and Responses                                   May 6, 1997
cr022697.txt       Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction                   May 5, 1997 (111K)
sh.htm             Space Handbook - War Fighter's Guide                           May 4, 1997

APRIL 1997

nispom.htm         National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual          April 30, 1997
atf042597.txt      ATF: List of Explosive Materials                               April 30, 1997
bomb.htm           ATF: Bomb Threat Planning                                      April 29, 1997

jta.htm            DoD Joint Technical Architecture                               April 26, 1997
aescomm.htm        Schneier on Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                 April 26, 1997
doc042497.htm      DoC on Software Title Verification Office                      April 26, 1997
bxa041597.htm      BXA on Computer Export Controls                                April 26, 1997
fbi041797.htm      FBI on Domestic Terrorism                                      April 26, 1997

dod041697.htm      DoD on Emergency Plan for Domestic Terrorism                   April 26, 1997
dos042297.htm      State Dept On Environmental Diplomacy                          April 26, 1997
cwc042597.txt      White House on Chemical Weapons Convention                     April 26, 1997
doj102996.txt      DoJ on Fighting Money Laundering                               April 26, 1997
itaasvey.htm       ITAA Encryption Survey                                         April 25, 1997

crowds.htm         Reiter/Rubin: New System for Web Anonymity                     April 25, 1997
onion.htm          Privacy and Anonymity on the Internet                          April 25, 1997
doc042497.txt      New Encryption Advisory Panel                                  April 24, 1997
don042497.txt      Navy Planning and Steering Advisory Committee                  April 24, 1997
ndp042497.txt      National Defense Panel Meeting                                 April 24, 1997

bxa042397.txt      BXA Technical Advisory Committee Meeting                       April 24, 1997
dsb042397.txt      Defense Science Board Meeting                                  April 24, 1997
bxahouse.htm       BXA Report to Congress on Encryption Controls                  April 23, 1997
dodspace.htm       National Security Space Organization and Management            April 23, 1997
dod21war.htm       Technology for 21st Century Warfare                            April 23, 1997

don55104.htm       DoN: Militarily Critical Technology (1986)                     April 21, 1997
mctl08.htm         MCTL Section 8 - Information Systems Technology                April 21, 1997
mcsec08.pdf        MCTL Section 8 - Information Systems Technology                April 21, 1997 (305K)
mclocatr.pdf       MCTL Master Locator                                            April 21, 1997 (32K)
mcsec09.pdf        MCTL Section 9 - Information Warfare Technology                April 19, 1997 (122K)

c4ir96.htm         DoD C4IR Report for 1996                                       April 19, 1997
fortleaf.htm       NSA: FORTEZZA's LEAF Support Removed                           April 19, 1997
aesmeet.htm        Schneier: AES Workshop Report                                  April 15, 1997
harmonix.htm       Harmonics Electrical Hazards                                   April 14, 1997
tufte.htm          Edward Tufte on Information Design                             April 13, 1997

intelink.htm       Rapid Expansion of Intelink                                    April 13, 1997
emskey.htm         EMS: Key to Success in Future Conflicts                        April 13, 1997
nsagak.htm         NSA: InfoSec in a 3rd Wave Society                             April 13, 1997
dod52001.htm       DoD Information Security Program                               April 12, 1997
dcid_17.htm        Security Controls of Intelligence                              April 12, 1997

gcl.htm            German Crypto Laws                                             April 12, 1997
epa040997.txt      EPA/Lotus Notes/RSA/MD-2/RC-4/                                 April 11, 1997
nscexprt.htm       NSC: Nonproliferation and Export Controls                      April 10, 1997
fac041097.txt      North Korean Payments                                          April 10, 1997
issb.htm           Information Systems Security Board                             April 10, 1997

chips.htm          Money Laundering Through CHIPS and SWIFT                       April 9, 1997
50usc2405.txt      Export Regulation: Foreign Policy Controls                     April 8, 1997 (51K)
spab040897.txt     Security Policy Board Meeting                                  April 8, 1997
ndp040897.txt      Quadrennial Defense Review                                     April 8, 1997
aucat_5.htm        Wassenaar Crypto Regulations                                   April 7, 1997

brokat.htm         Strong Crypto: Brokat Informationssysteme                      April 7, 1997
jmic.htm           Joint Military Intelligence College                            April 6, 1997
dia020597.htm      Global Threats To the United States                            April 6, 1997
ens.htm            The Environment and National Security                          April 6, 1997
scarch.htm         Space Communications Architecture                              April 6, 1997

dodsa.htm          DoD Space Architect                                            April 6, 1997
pdj.htm            Crypto Suit: Junger v. Secretary of State                      April 4, 1997
jimbell.htm        IRS Raids a Cypherpunk                                         April 3, 1997
ap.htm             Bell: Assassination Politics                                   April 3, 1997
mycyblaw.txt       Malaysia Sets Cyber Laws                                       April 3, 1997

MARCH 1997

tcmcnc.htm         Tim May: Criminalization of Noncompliant Crypto                March 31, 1997

kmimeet.txt        Key Management Infrastructure Meeting                          March 31, 1997
oecdnope.txt       OECD Rebuffs USG Crypto Plan                                   March 27, 1997
emp.htm            EMP and TEMPEST Protection                                     March 26, 1997
nrotips.htm        NRO/NRL TiPS Tether Dynamics                                   March 25, 1997
bxa032597.txt      BXA Info Systems Meeting                                       March 25, 1997

nsacrowell.htm     NSA on SAFE Crypto                                             March 25, 1997
nsaquery.htm       NSA Queried by Congress on Crypto                              March 24, 1997
cia020597.htm      CIA on National Security Threats                               March 24, 1997
fbi032097.htm      FBI on International Training                                  March 24, 1997
fbi031997.htm      FBI on Computer Crimes                                         March 24, 1997

doj031797.txt      FBI/Chinese/Congress/White House/CIA/DoS/DoJ                   March 24, 1997
dia032497.txt      Current Critical Intelligence                                  March 24, 1997
dsb032497-3.txt    Transnational Threats                                          March 24, 1997
dsb032497-2.txt    Underground Facilities                                         March 24, 1997
dsb032497-1.txt    Innovative Support Structures                                  March 24, 1997

ndp032497.txt      Deep Attack Weapons                                            March 24, 1997
ukttp.htm          UK/DTI TTP Encryption Services                                 March 21, 1997 (100K)
onita.htm          Naval Intel/Traffic Analysis/PGP                               March 21, 1997
bruce.htm          Schneier Rebuts CTIA                                           March 20, 1997
ctia.htm           CTIA Nays Cellphone Code Crack                                 March 20, 1997

nsanay.htm         NSA Nays Cell Phone Code                                       March 20, 1997
fbi032097.txt      FBI Wiretap Payments                                           March 20, 1997 (177K)
nda98.htm          National Defense Authorization FY 1998-99                      March 19, 1997 (176K)
nima.htm           National Imagery                                               March 19, 1997
octt.txt           Organized Crime and Technology Trends                          March 18, 1997 

cpunk.txt          Secret Agents: Cypherpunks                                     March 17, 1997
nro031797.txt      NRO FOI                                                        March 17, 1997
dia031797.txt      DIA Stealth                                                    March 17, 1997
dsb031797.txt      DSB Stealth                                                    March 17, 1997
ndp031797.txt      NDP Stealth                                                    March 17, 1997

mirror.txt         Hacker Stealth                                                 March 17, 1997
wmd022797.txt      WMD Report                                                     March 14, 1997
no111496.txt       POTUS on Proliferation of WMD                                  March 14, 1997
wmd092796.txt      WMD Report                                                     March 14, 1997
wmd092995.txt      WMD Report                                                     March 14, 1997

wmd060995.txt      WMD Report                                                     March 14, 1997 (108K)
wmd100694.txt      WMD Report                                                     March 14, 1997
dmvv.htm           Champions of Encryption                                        March 14, 1997
compcrim.txt       CSI/FBI Computer Crime Report                                  March 13, 1997
doswas03.txt       BXA/TWA Requests                                               March 12, 1997

atasect6.htm       US Army ATA Info Sec                                           March 11, 1997
ciaami.txt         Der Spiegel on US Spying                                       March 11, 1997
itc031197.txt      Bytes for Booze Tax Swap                                       March 11, 1997
dnfsf971.txt       Safe Storage of Uranium-233                                    March 11, 1997
usa-iss.htm        US Army Info Sys Security                                      March 10, 1997

wassnr52.htm       The Wassenaar Arrangement, Cat.5, Pt. 2                        March 9, 1997
wassenr4.htm       The Wassenaar Arrangement Initial Elements                     March 9, 1997
doe-mais.htm       DoE Master Info Sys Security                                   March 9, 1997 (190K)
nsa-sun.htm        NSA and Crypto AG                                              March 8, 1997
whp1.htm           Cryptographer William H. Payne                                 March 8, 1997

nsasuit2.txt       NSA Sued by Cryptographer 2                                    March 8, 1997
nsasuit.txt        NSA Sued by Cryptographer 1                                    March 8, 1997
haarp.htm          HAARP in Alaska                                                March 8, 1997
fow.htm            The Future of Warfare                                          March 8, 1997
pklogin2.txt       NSA Public Key Login Protocol                                  March 8, 1997

otr030797.txt      WTO Dispute on Computer Tariff                                 March 7, 1997
eo13035.txt        HPCC Advisory Committee                                        March 6, 1997
ncs030697.txt      National Security Telecomm                                     March 6, 1997
iso030697.txt      Information Security Oversight                                 March 6, 1997
cno030697.txt      CNO Executive Panel                                            March 6, 1997

no030597.txt       Continuation of Iran Emergency                                 March 6, 1997
secrecy.htm        Report of the Commission on Protecting and 
                   Reducing Government Secrecy                                    March 5, 1997
s376.txt           Encrypted Comm Privacy Act                                     March 5, 1997
fac030597.txt      Drug Trafficking Sanctions                                     March 5, 1997
dia030597.txt      DIA Advisory Board                                             March 5, 1997

50usc401.txt       National Security Intelligence                                 March 5, 1997
hri.htm            Hiding Routing Information                                     March 3, 1997
nsacrypt.txt       NSA Cryptologia                                                March 1, 1997
hr538.txt          Taggants in Explosives                                         March 1, 1997
itar091796.txt     ITAR Amendment                                                 March 1, 1997


googol.txt         The Challenge of Large Numbers				  February, 1997
eu-fbi.txt         News: EU-FBI Wiretap Pact                                      February 28, 1997
eu-fbi.htm         Report: EU-FBI Wiretap Pact					  February 27, 1997
bxapctoc.htm       HTML Comments on Encryption Transfers			  February 27, 1997

bxacommt.htm       PDF Comments on Encryption Transfers				  February 27, 1997
ncc022797.txt      National Counterintelligence Center				  February 27, 1997
herson.htm         SOGIS Head on EU Crypto					  February 26, 1997
casm.htm           Securing E-mail in HMG					  February 26, 1997
bxa021297-2.txt    Commercial Encryption Items					  February 25, 1997

doc022197.txt      Wassenaar and Crypto						  February 24, 1997
fis.htm            Foreign Intel Surveillance					  February 23, 1997 (108K)
50usc402a.txt      Coord of Counterintelligence					  February 23, 1997
50usc438.txt       Access to Classified Info					  February 23, 1997
18usc794.txt       Espionage and Censorship					  February 23, 1997

18usc2511.txt      Communications Intercepts					  February 23, 1997
18usc2709.txt      Electronic Records Access					  February 23, 1997
15usc1681u.txt     Disclosures to FBI 						  February 23, 1997
12usc3414.txt      Right to Financial Privacy					  February 23, 1997
daley.htm          DoC Sec on Export Controls					  February 22, 1997

reinsch1.htm       Convergence of Crypto Controls				  February 22, 1997
nsaleash.htm       NSA Unleashed on Cyberspace					  February 22, 1997
acda.htm           Arms Control Essays						  February 22, 1997
wassenr3.htm       The Wassenaar Arrangement					  February 22, 1997
ukeep.htm          UK Crypto Export Policy					  February 21, 1997

10usc421.txt       Foreign Cryptologic Support					  February 21, 1997
9724.htm           Exporting Dual-Use Items					  February 20, 1997
fatf8.htm          OECD Money Laundering Report					  February 19, 1997
jcs.htm            Redefining Security/JSC					  February 18, 1997
secacro.htm        Security Acronyms (ref. jcs.htm)				  February 18, 1997

fips196.txt        Entity Auth. Using PK Crypto					  February 18, 1997
rusigint.htm       Russian Sigint				`		  February 16, 1997
bxa021297.txt      Export Licensing/CCL Revisions				  February 12, 1997
ml-ec.htm          UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce			  February 16, 1997
dos012497.txt      Global Law on Digital Sigs					  February 16, 1997

pdf417-1.htm       Printed Ecash Decoder					  February 16, 1997
fbi100.htm         Telcos Balk at FBI Wiretap Plan				  February 15, 1997
safety.htm         Safety-Critical Systems					  February 15, 1997
nsamat.htm         NSA Material at NARA						  February 15, 1997
nsazeal.htm        NSA Influence on NZ Crypto					  February 14, 1997

usacm.htm          USACM Critiques Crypto Export Rule				  February 14, 1997
aes010297.txt      Update: FIPS for Advanced Encryption				  February 11, 1997
elaguide.htm       Encryption Licensing Guide					  February 11, 1997
crguide.htm        Classification Request for EI				  February 11, 1997
qshake.htm         Brassard: Grover's Quantum Shake 				  February 7, 1997

bxa020797.txt      BXA Encryption Regs						  February 7, 1997
howwire.htm        Building Surveillance					  February 6, 1997
nowire.txt         Wireless Surveillance					  February 5, 1997
fortcert.htm       New Fortezza Requirements					  February 5, 1997
fuckit.htm         Filling Power Vacuums					  February 3, 1997


taggants.htm       NRC on Tagging Explosives					  January 24, 1997
bugs.htm           Update on Bugging Devices					  January 30, 1997
fbi011497.txt      Comm Assist for Law Enforce 2 				  January 14, 1997

cave.htm           CAVE Algorithm, Revised					  January 26, 1997
tr453.htm          TR45.3, Revised						  January 26, 1997
kahnak.txt         David Kahn on Key Escrow					  January 22, 1997
whathe.txt         Seismic Warfare						  January 21, 1997
defsec.txt         Defense Industrial Security					  January 21, 1997

ecospy.txt         Economic Espionage						  January 21, 1997
invade.txt         New-tech Eavesdropping					  January 19, 1997
esnoop.htm         Electronic Surveillance					  January 9, 1997
iwd.htm            DSB/DoD InfoWar-Defense					  January 8, 1997
tcmlog.txt         Net Surveillance						  January 6, 1997


eo-export.txt      Exec Orders on Export/Crypto					  1970-1996
rcmp1.htm          RCMP Guide to InfoSec 1					  December 31, 1996
rcmp2.htm          RCMP Guide to InfoSec 2					  December 31, 1996
lawdno.txt         E-Cash Laws							  December 29, 1996

bxa123096.txt      Crypto Export Rule						  December 30, 1996
itar123096.txt     ITAR Rule							  December 30, 1996
puzzle.htm         Barlow on TR45.3 (1992)					  December 28, 1996
otapub.htm         OTA Publications						  December 28, 1996
kmitac.htm         KMI Advisory Committee					  December 27, 1996

ssnsii.txt         FRB Studies Privacy						  December 26, 1996
mdtspy.txt         Mobile Phone Snooping					  December 23, 1996
nissc96.htm        NISSC96 Security Papers					  December 22, 1996
ke121396.htm       Key Escrow Export Rule					  December 13, 1996
dbwin.htm          Text of Bernstein Decision					  December 19, 1996

bernstein.htm      Report on Bernstein Decision					  December 19, 1996
fortezza.htm       Fortezza Crypto						  December 14, 1996
commerce.htm       Draft Crypto Export Regs					  December 9, 1996
pr-eo13026.htm     Release of Crypto Order					  November 15, 1996
eo13026.htm        Exec Order on Crypto Export					  November 15, 1996

no081496.htm       Notice on Export						  August 14, 1996
fbi051096.txt      Comm Assist for Law Enforce 1				  May 10, 1996
cast.html          Symmetric Ciphers/CAST Design
fipsmeet.htm       FIPS/KMI Meeting						  December 5-6, 1996
mr789.htm          The Advent of Netwar						  1996

quisee.htm         Quisquater on SEE						  November 30, 1996
unravl.txt         Biz Hits Gov on Crypto					  December 6, 1996
openup.txt         BSA Hits Gov on Crypto					  December 3, 1996
taxpolicy.htm      US Net Tax Policy						  November 22, 1996
oecdcrypto.htm     OECD Crypto Guidelines					  November 21, 1996

akdfa.txt          Anderson/Kuhn's Improved DFA					  November 20, 1996
halicf.htm         Finney on HP's ICF						  November 18, 1996
declan.htm         Reports on HP's ICF						  November 18, 1996
nrcnidx.htm        NRC Crypto Docs						  November 13, 1996
ibag2.htm          IBAG on Crypto 2						  November 12, 1996

radfa.htm          Anderson: DES Weakness					  November 1, 1996
pkdfa.htm          Kocher: Fault Analysis					  November 1, 1996
nsatypo.htm        NSA Corrections						  November 1, 1996
nsamint.htm        NSA on E-Cash						  November 1, 1996
bis_emoney.html    BIS on E-Money						  October, 1996

belsecwp.htm       Better Check Context						  October 31, 1996
smart.pdf          Better Check Calculations					  October 31, 1996 (115K)
quikey.htm         Quisquater's Fast Hack 3					  October 23, 1996
isghak.htm         NUG Smartcard Hack 2						  October 23, 1996
dfa.htm            Biham-Shamir DFA						  October 18, 1996

sunsyn.txt         Sun Dams Flood						  October 15, 1996
belcor.txt         Bellcore Smartcard Hack 1					  October 7, 1996
dimacs.txt         DIMACS Abstracts						  September 30, 1996
eccpow.txt         ECC Crypto and Pow!						  August 15, 1996
bcisys.txt         Battlefield Combat ID System					  July 27, 1996

lattice.htm        Lattice Locks						  August 23, 1996
nrcindex.htm       NRC Crypto Report						  May 30, 1996
kmi.txt            Key Management Infra						  May 20, 1996
clipper3.htm       Clipper 3							  May 20, 1996
ip149.htm          Info War and the Air Force					  March, 1996


ibag1.htm          IBAG on Crypto 1						  December, 1995
eo12981.htm        Exec Order on Crypto Export					  December 5, 1995
dtn1095.htm        Defense Trade News						  October, 1995
datasec.htm        Data Security in Buildings					  March, 1995
eo12924.htm        Exec Order on Crypto Export					  August 19, 1994

dtn0794.htm        Defense Trade News 						  July/October, 1994
dtn0494.htm        Defense Trade News						  April, 1994
dtn0194.htm        Defense Trade News						  January, 1994
winnemr.htm        Schwartau on EMR						  1994
dtn0193.htm        Defense Trade News						  January/April, 1993

appf.htm           Cryptanalysis Support Program				  September, 1990
rs232.pdf          Eavesdropping On RS232 Cables				  1990 (367K)
bits.htm           More on Van Eck's EMR Eavesdropping				  1988
tempest.htm        Seline on TEMPEST Laws					  1989
emr.pdf            Van Eck on EMR Eavesdropping					  1985 (720K)


WMD Threat         Proliferation: Threat and Response

Peter Gutmann      Security and Encryption-related Resources and Links

TTP Projects       Information on any of the current TTP projects can be 
                   obtained from David Herson (DG XIII/7) at the European 
                   Commission (e-mail or 
                   from the Commission Web site. (Ref. ukttp.htm)

EAR Notices        Federal Register Notices Affecting the EAR

PCCIP Survey       Survey: President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure 
                   Protection							  May 8, 1997
DD-CP.htm          Denning: Crypto Policy					  April 16, 1997
DD-IW.htm          InfoWar: Terrorism, Crime, and Nat Sec			  April 16, 1997
Kuner.htm          Law of Electronic and Internet Commerce in Germany		  April 16, 1997
Koops.htm          Survey of Crypto Laws and Regulations			  April 16, 1997

Koopsetal.htm      Fraud-detectible Alternative to Key Escrow			  April 16, 1997       Efficient Solution to Money Laundering			  April 16, 1997
natsecpubs         FAS: Nat Sec Pubs on the Net					  April 13, 1997
cia032797          CIA: Advanced Information Processing				  April 8, 1997
cia032097          CIA: Sharing Secrets With Lawmakers				  April 8, 1997

parrhesia          The Wassenaar Arrangement					  April 5, 1997
netgov.htm         Ruthowski: Models of Net Governance                            March 30, 1997
ttpgak.htm         Broiles: Survey of Crypto/TTP/GAK Regs                         March 30, 1997
Kim-Spy            Intelligence and Counterintelligence				  March 8, 1997
Other Sites        For Export Controls						  March 6, 1997

Jaycor             Security Engineering Services				  March 2, 1997      Voice Encryption Methods					  February 28, 1997
FOND               Russian Legal Data Base					  February 11, 1997
New Cycle of       Arab-Israeli Terrorism and U/W				  January 22, 1997
Matt Blaze         Crypto and the Info Economy					  December 26, 1996

Chris Kuner        German E-commerce/Crypto					  December 25, 1996
Carl Ellison       The Unending Crypto Debate					  December 24, 1996
Bruce Schneier     Why Crypto Is Hard						  December 23, 1996
Joel McNamara      TEMPEST Information Page					  December 17, 1996
Goldberg/Wagner    Cryptanalytic Hardware					  May 8, 1996

Terry Ritter       Voice/Video Crypto						  August, 1992 (re: cave.htm)
Michael Froomkin   Crypto Law and ...
Bert-Jaap Koop     Crypto Law Survey
ITAR               International Traffic in Arms Regulations
AECA               Arms Export Control Act excerpt
